第7教室:『ベラミ』     (モーパッサン)




ベラミ(3)BEL-AMI (1885)by Guy de Maupassant———————————————————————————————— Première Partie —————————【3】————————————————— Comme il portait beau par nature et par posed' ancien sous- officier, il cambra sa taille, frisasa moustache d'…


お詫び:前回はテキスト(電子版)を写すミスをして最後のdu restaiurant が抜けていました.あらためて第2回目として訂正版を送信します.よろしくお願いいたします. ベラミ(2)BEL-AMI (1885)by Guy de Maupassant———————————————————————————————— Pr…


女の一生(1)モーパッサン作 Une vie / Guy de MaupassantUne vie (1) ————————————【1】————————————————— Jeanne, ayant fini ses malles, s'approcha de la fenêtre,mais la pluie ne cessait pas. ————————————《訳》————————————————— 荷造りを終え…


エデンの東(108) —————————【108】————————————————— Carving on his wooden leg, he showed his friends how he would cut her. “When I finish her she'll bea funny-looking bitch,”he said. “I'll make her so adrunk Indian won't take out aft…


エデンの東(107) ——————————【107】————————————————— When he had his new leg, and painfully knew his condition, he hobbled about for days, looking forthe girl. He told his bunkmates what he was goingto do when he found her. He planne…


エデンの東(106) —————————【106】————————————————— While he was carving his beechwood leg and hobbling about on a crutch, he contracted a particularly virulentdose of the clap from a Negro girl who whistled at him from under a pile …